This stylish walking guide doubles as a detailed account of the city's architecture, its history and tourism attractions. There are walks throughout Manchester including such major entertainment and cultural centres as the Bridgewater Hall, Urbis, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Lowry and many more. Explore the entire city — from the Corn Exchange to G-Mex, from the Cathedral to Affleck's Palace.
Discovering Manchester 2nd Edition
This stylish walking guide is guaranteed to satisfy both Mancunians and visitors to this historic city. Detailed topographical information is placed in an historical context, yet relates very appropriately to recent and current developments within the city.
The walks are written in a style which promises to entertain, educate and inform. Discover fascinating facts about the city - from the Corn Exchange to G-Mex, from the Cathedral to Affleck's Palace, and from medieval Manchester to the massive new Marks and Spencer!
Previously isolated strands of information are brought together offering interlocking walking tours containing something for everyone, opportunities for shopping, eating and drinking. The reader is also provided with a fluent mix of historical information, anecdotes, stories and references to the contemporary scene, making this a guide of equal interest to both resident and visitor alike.
"Could you please pass on my thanks and appreciation to Barry for his vastly informative and entertaining book which was my ' bible ' for the last week in this amazing English city."
Philip Baldwin
Author: Barry Worthington
ISBN: 9781850588627
Page 39
Habitat replaced by David M Robinson jewellers.
Page 182
Reflections art installation (mirror ball) now removed to Oxford St near the University. The mirrors are now erected, but so far the "magic" painting on the ground is missing.